Masterchef Dining

Apparently Masterchef Australia has an actual restaurant in the Sydney CBD (click here) which by the looks of it closely resembles parts of the cooking show in terms of both layout and menu.

It's all booked out for lunch and dinner though so if you haven't already made a reservation then you've missed out. It definitely looks like something I'd have loved to take my parents to (assuming I can afford the prices). While there are some contestants I really don't care for, because their personal attributes rub me the wrong way or because I do not like their cuisine, there are others like Adam and Alvin whose food I would have loved to try. Okay, fine, so I like Asian food. LoL.

Anyway, I still need to figure out where to take my parents when they come by for my graduation ceremony in December. I'm thinking Sails.. for the awesome view, and perhaps Guillaume at the Opera House because well, it's at the Opera House. Maybe just the Bistro though. since I don't think I could convince my dad to consume a $140 meal. He just wouldn't be able to enjoy that!


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