ED: a report on my day

I had an excellent time at the ED today. I met a cool consultant - Dr. Quirk, who allowed me to take a few cases under her name and run with them. After I was done she would review my proposed management plan and execute it (because as students we can't order tests or chart medications). She also provided a fair amount of teaching throughout the day, which is not something I always get, either because consultants are too busy or because they are just not inclined to teach. But today was just great - two patients complimented me on my clinical skills. I always tell my patients that I am a student and today two asked which year I was at. When I said I was 2 months from being done, one, a firefighter said "I thought so. You're very confident." Haha. Didn't have the heart to tell her that I had little doubts inside. But it all went well... and I even managed to slip an 85 year old lady a freebie sandwich & hot tea and another lady a blanket.. which warmed my heart on what had otherwise been a very chilly day!


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