The real reason relationships fail

This comes from a great video I watched recently. It is linked below and I found it very insightful. 

There are Four Basic Negative Emotions in all people. 

- Anger (amygdala)

- Disgust (insula) --> something that will hurt you. telling you that you should avoid it. It is biologically directed towards pathogens, but politicians use this to control people. Eg Wuhan virus, or republicans vs democrats

- Sadness (dorsal anterior singular cortex) --> stems from losing something or someone you love

- Fear (amygdala)

Negative does not mean bad. It means these are the things that signal threat to us, from the outside world.

Contempt is a combination of two negative emotions - Anger and Disgust

When you express contempt / disgust, it is interpreted by the brain of your partner as "you think I'm a pathogen, and I need to be cast out". Even if you dont mean it. So dont roll your eyes, dont be sarcastic.

When you are feeling that coldness that comes with Contempt, that is when you need to move towards your partner, not away. Your relationship will not survive, if it is not controlled largely by your frontal cortex. In other words, you need to be intentional in your relationship.

This is relevant not just to romantic relationships but to all relationships. Even professional relationships. Cancel culture is a culture of contempt. It is basically saying that when someone says something obnoxious, that it is a threat to you. Terms like micro aggressions, safe spaces, makes it seem impossible for you to express something without expressing contempt.

In good relationships, you need to control contempt. You need to allow for a lot of competition of ideas, but without expression of contempt. We need to realise that sometimes we express contempt because it feels really good to be 'right'. So expressing contempt rewards you but you have to realise and remember that you feel good because of there neurotransmitters in your brain, but what you're doing could be very harmful to the relationship.


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