Wednesday thoughts

There was a child at hospital today who had just had enough for one day. He wouldn't let anyone close to him and would howl miserably at the sight of medical implements. As luck would have it I was assigned this child for an assessment and as such spent some minutes trying to figure out how I would worm my way into his affections. After much coaxing and some bribery with bubbles, musical instruments and torch lights I somehow found myself seated beside him listening to his chest while he played away with his newly acquired toys.

Today made me think about relationships though. I often wonder about this juxtaposition between my discomfort with people on most social levels and the fact that I am at my happiest when I am doing things to serve the less fortunate. I like patients.. and as it turns out, I like little children. I like people who in a way, are just "being". Who do not strive, either because they have not learnt to, or because they no longer can. Often times disease brings out the best in people. People let go of the catty things, the petty things, the insignificant things when they are ill. Sometimes I wonder about all that - about how it takes physical imperfection to make us decent people.


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