Don't Waste Your Life

Sometimes I wonder about the choices I've made in life and whether they were smart choices, whether I've made the most of opportunities that have come my way. While I've always tried to "stay true" to my passions I've tended to err on the side of caution, which perhaps is a good thing because at one point I was tempted to leave medicine for a television career (who knows if I would have excelled or failed?). Right now I am in medicine, with interests in cardiology and plastic surgery.. but technically, it may have been easier (?) had I been interested in orthopaedic surgery. After all, I have family who would be more than willing to take me under their wing and train me in the ways of an orthopod. Often times we can only evaluate the wisdom of our choices in retrospect.  

Ultimately, our days are limited. Even though I am only in my 20s, there is a constant awareness that time is ticking away. If I only had 50 years left  would I have done enough? Will I do enough? Don't wanna waste my life.


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