Another night

Been a hectic week, getting job applications completed and submitted, treading the line between chasing up referees and not annoying them too much, writing dozens of cover letters. Everyone wants to know why we want to work somewhere. Once in a blue moon there is a real reason - like wanting to work with a particular researcher for example, but most often (at least in my life) it is simply because we feel like it. That's never a good enough answer though - everyone wants some high brow explanation.

When I was 17 my friends and I founded what was then the largest student-run fundraising organisation in the country. Everyone kept asking what was in it for me. They wanted to know why I was doing it and would not believe that it was just because I wanted to. To me it was simply the right thing to do. Because I believed you know? I believed in the need to give back to society and I believed in our ability to do it on a large scale.

It's the same now. Everyone wants us to have a reason for everything we do in life. I don't believe this is necessarily the best way to go about life. I think sometimes you just need to do what is right in your gut to do, and sometimes you just need to let go of the reins and let God work His miracles.


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