Never settle

I remember once hearing Joel Houston speak at church and that night he spoke about never wanting to be comfortable. Never wanting to just get married and settle into a regular rhythm. At the time I couldn't quite understand what he meant and thought it was a little strange for someone to have so many ants in his pants (to mangle an English idiom). For whatever reason, his words stuck with me through the years, even though for many years I still didn't get it.

Nowadays it makes sense to me. As I approach the start of my working life, it is going to be quite easy to just settle in. Money will no longer be an issue, and my time off work, will be my time off work (for those who don't get this bit - when you're a medical student, any time off = study time). I forsee a hectic internship year, with little time to think about bigger things since we are only allowed 4 weeks off a year (2 of which must be in December). I see a season in which it will simply be easier not to care too much about 'unnecessary things', a season which while busy, will be fulfilling enough in itself, since in medicine we care for people on a daily basis.

But even as I approach this season, I feel compelled to remind myself over and over, not to settle in when the time comes. Not to let go of bigger dreams. Not to let the stakes become so high that I stop taking risks. Not to cling to the riches that will come, at the expense of foolish things. I have always had almost nothing to lose. It is the best situation to be in, when you are trying to succeed. So even as I approach this season, and even as I look forward to finally being free from need, I am reminded that it may soon be harder to be hungry.

To my future self, if you ever read this one day remember that it is not time to stop. Never stop. Never settle. Shoot for the moon, and as this scientifically inaccurate saying goes, even if you miss, you'll land among the stars.


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