New Year Resolutions

It's that time of the year again! I take my new year resolutions quite seriously. At the end of each year I usually have a sit down session to think about how the year has unfolded and where I should take my life in the coming year. I think about goals I want to achieve and list five or six pretty specific ones down. This year for example, one goal was to get published. Another was to make arrangements to visit America and that's the trip that's coming up.

I think new year resolutions are important because life tends to get so busy and when you're in the midst of all that it's easy to lose sight of your goals, much less set any new ones. And I think goals are important. They give you direction... and direction is important because we're all going to die someday and at least for me, I want my 70 years to make a difference, somehow.

Anyway, I don't know what my 2012 resolutions will be yet.. usually I write them on my annual plane ride to wherever but that's certainly what will be on my mind over the next coupla days.

Do you make new year resolutions? What will they be for 2012?


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