Mending Wall

Sorry about that really boring previous post on neuroanatomy. haha. Today isn't heaps better but I promise that once these exams are over I will endeavor to entertain a bit more (or maybe I'll be so busy having fun that you won't hear about any of it).

Anyway, at least today I'm being outward-looking. Literally. My neighbours were fixing the fence between our properties today. It reminded me of 'Mending Wall' which is a poem by Robert Frost. Good fences make good neighbours. I would have gone to help but I don't usually leave the house before exams. Even if I'm totally done studying.. like now. I just sit home, stew, veg and pretend that the knowledge in my head is deepening like fine wine.. or christmas cake.

Also, given how much time I have, I've begun to think about silly things.. like how much caffeine there is presently in my blood stream. Surely there is a way to measure this? Sort of like how the cops have breathalyzers to measure alcohol levels? I'm pretty sure there's a fairly high concentration in me right now because I've been having two cups of strong coffee daily. The Brain doesn't retain that well without coffee. And this is after a full 8-10 hours sleep. I always sleep more during exam periods... because there's nothing else to do. (and because I have this semi-factual theory that sleeping improves memory). We learnt it in med school. ;-) Apparently it is when you sleep that all the memories you 'laid down' during the day get consolidated and organised properly somewhere in the brain. And I definitely want all my medical facts to be nicely consolidated in time for the exams so I'm sleeping alright!

Uhm, yea, that's all for today. Unless you want me to go off on a medical tangent again. (I'm reading about lymphomas and cancer if you must know). Till tomorrow my friends. Adieu!


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