
When the going gets tough, don't back off! It's 1159PM here and I'm still not really feelin it with neuroanatomy. All the Hollywood gossip I'm reading on the side isn't helping either. :-( Anyway, I've read through some new notes I received from a friend and I've been going through questions. Ideally I should be able to localise lesions in the central nervous system when I am given particular symptoms and having read through this topic about 3 times now I'm slowly starting to recognise certain signs, like 'bitemporal hemianopia' which is due to compression of the optic chiasm... so I've gone and looked at the anatomy of this region again.. and I've also gone back and looked at some notes I made in first/second year.

It's amazing the stuff you find when you go back to basics. All these notes I made, which I probably didn't understand at the time, they make much more sense now and are such a great study resource for finals. Anyways... just writing to encourage You to keep going when obstacles seem unsurmountable. There's always light at the end of the tunnel. Just gotta put one foot in front of the other, one step at a time. :-)


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