Working out my artistic muscle

I felt like procrastinating today so after eating a ridiculous amount of junk food I took out my iPad and watched Cornerstone (Hillsong's most recent album). I thought that familiarising myself with the songs, the rhythm, the instrumentation might be helpful when I next get to direct a service. Last weekend Rich told me that I had to be a story teller and that I had to go with the music or I suppose 'feel' it to make appropriate transitions. Not the easiest for someone who isn't the most artistic or emotional so I decided to try digest the songs a little and see if the DVD director had a particular formula. One hour in, I still can't find anything. I tried counting to see if it would align with the transitions but it didn't. I tried listening for the end of sentences or stanzas/verses but it didn't match up either. It almost seemed like the transitions were happening some time before or some time after what I would have considered to be the 'cut off' points in each song. I'm a little stumped but will have a look at it again later. At the very least I'm taking note of the different shots that have been used, though our camera set up (and number of cameras) are going to be different at church and I think the intentions are a little different too. The DVD shows a fair number of wide shots, the worship leaders, the instruments are not captured as tightly as we do it at church but I think the DVD is trying to capture the stadium atmosphere which we're not aiming for on the weekend.. so yea, gonna call it a day coz I need to get back to some pharmacology now.

Also, I was e-mailed by a hospital in Singapore today. They want to know if I would like to be hooked up with one of the residency programs there. I'm kinda excited but honestly, I really dislike the thought of leaving Hillsong TV and not being a part of this movement and a part of this television team. Kinda trying not to think so much about it. God will sort that out I guess!


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