2013: Singapore

The options have started trickling in - my first offer has been from Singapore. I lived in Singapore for five or six years, back around 2000. For the most part I enjoyed my time there - there are some aspects I like very much, like the Botanical Gardens, the safety, the cleanliness, the dynamic charity/social welfare system, the access to most things I need in life. There are other aspects I do not really like, like the way most Singaporeans cannot see beyond what is pragmatic - people seem to only do things when they stand to gain from their actions. But I haven't lived in Singapore for maybe seven years now and I think it would be nice to be back there at least for a year to see if it has changed much. I am concerned about my ability to survive the 80 hour +++ work week though, and the pay is terrible compared to Australia's 38 hour week and twice the pay.

So we will see. When I have more time I will try and figure out where I actually want to head in life and which country will best suit my purposes. I am seeing Angela tomorrow and she will no doubt remind me of my desire to return to North America for work (she is American).. and she is right. A part of my heart is still in New York.


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