Getting fat as a cat

I promise you I'm not planning to run only once a month but as you can see from my record on the right (which I keep to remind myself to run), this half of the year has been shocking. Aside from those runs I do no exercise at all, unless you count walking 500m from my car to the clinical school every other day. It's simply appalling. And I'm unbelievably hungry all the time too. I would like to think it is because of my cooking but if I say so my family might make me prove it when I see them next, which would be embarassing if I haven't actually improved. Today I put on my SKINS for the first time in August and noticed to my horror, the undeniable, not-even-hiding-it muffin top which I could have sworn wasn't there last month. I've stopped being in denial about this but yes, I think I am getting fat. :(

Now it's one thing to become all anorexic about it, and trust me I love food way too much to go that way, but it's another to just not put in effort to lose the unnecessary pounds. After all, I'm in the health industry and really have no excuse to not pay attention to my own. Given the coming exams (4 weeks baby!) I cannot promise much more than I am currently doing but hey, I think I'm going to go running TWICE in the next four weeks and then hopefully after that we can start being more aggressive with all this weight loss. bugger it.


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