Ps. Jeffrey Rachmat & Sidney Mohede

Last weekend Ps Jeffrey Rachmat of Jakarta Praise Community Church came to speak at Hillsong Church in Sydney. I thought the message was really awesome - he spoke about how there had to be seasons of work and seasons of rest. And that while we had a responsibility to do what was possible in the 'day time' we also had to 'sleep' at night to allow God to do the impossible. Ps Rachmat's worship leader, Sidney Mohede (link in the 'Elsewhere' section on the right) co-led worship at church and we sang bits of one of the choruses in Indonesian. I really loved that - it's been three years since I've visited Malaysia and singing in Indonesian (which is similar to Malay) brings back a lot of memories. There are more Indonesian/Malay language praise & worship songs on Sidney's page and you should go check it out!


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