As it turns out the ACT and Western Australia have pretty much decided to protect their own international medical students in terms of internship allocations, which basically means I have even less of a chance to get a job next year. According to the figures about 6 out of say 150 of us in NSW will get a job - not the best stats in the world. So here's the thing - if I don't get a job as a doctor next year, I'm pretty much offering my services to any legit, suitable organisation that may need a bit more help in 2013. So if anyone who reads this knows of such a group do pass on the message. I'll be graduating with a medical degree and am particularly interested in charitable/aid/humanitarian organisations such as China Cal, A21, Mercy Ships etc. I don't have to be working in a medical capacity since I won't have completed my internship yet but I'd love to be able to help out some place - make the most of my time and make this world a better place.

In terms of organisational skills etc, I started a fundraising charity when I was around 17 or 18 and we raised $60,000 in our first 2 week event, with no 'adult' involvement.. so what I'm trying to say is while I may not necessarily know much about your organisation, I learn pretty quick. I've also served food in soup kitchens.. a lot. And I quite like that.

In terms of medicine or research, I'm fairly happy with most fields but as you would have read so far I am besotted with cardiology. I live, sleep and drink cardiology... to use a slogan from.. oh, waitaminute, Coca Cola. Having said that, I kinda like medicine as a whole.. and I'm definitely interested in public health.

I'm not really sure what else to do with my time should I end up with a year off. If I have any money left, perhaps I will travel. Learn languages. Spend time with my folks. Pass a few more music exams. I really don't know. But God does... so come what may, I'm happy.


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