Day Off!

I haven't been studying much for the past week but I mean, I'm done with surgery and emergency medicine. Have read Paediatrics once and did psychiatry last year. My revision output was slowly grinding to a painful halt because I think I was getting to that point of over-saturation... when there is so little motivation that every new piece of work comes at too high a price. So today I took the day off. After an hour in a surgical tute I went to Centennial Park for a long run. Then I did crunches, then I came home and had a really healthy meal (vegetable soup). Then I slept.. for 5 hours. It was kinda awesome. sleeping I mean. After sleeping I spent the evening eating and watching videos by the Jubilee Project (there is a link in the section called 'Elsewhere' in the navigation bar on the right). It's been a lovely day. Tomorrow I will begin my 508 page review of 'Medicine' topics. I think it will be pretty interesting but for today, I'm rounding off with a read of 'Traveling Light' by Max Lucado. Here we go.

Edit: Definitely didn't do the crunches right yesterday coz my sternocleidomastoid and other smaller neck muscles are really aching today. :(((((((((


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