Showing posts from May, 2012
Another night
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Been a hectic week, getting job applications completed and submitted, treading the line between chasing up referees and not annoying them too much, writing dozens of cover letters. Everyone wants to know why we want to work somewhere. Once in a blue moon there is a real reason - like wanting to work with a particular researcher for example, but most often (at least in my life) it is simply because we feel like it. That's never a good enough answer though - everyone wants some high brow explanation. When I was 17 my friends and I founded what was then the largest student-run fundraising organisation in the country. Everyone kept asking what was in it for me. They wanted to know why I was doing it and would not believe that it was just because I wanted to. To me it was simply the right thing to do. Because I believed you know? I believed in the need to give back to society and I believed in our ability to do it on a large scale. It's the same now. Everyone wants us to have ...
Blast injuries
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I've been very blessed this year, having found that USMLE aside I am quite able to cope with the workload that comes with the final year of medical school in Australia. One of the last cases I am reviewing in the current set of viva questions is the difference in management of burns due to direct thermal injury and those due to blast injury (ie. explosions). It's very interesting because in my 6 years of med school I have only been exposed to a major trauma case once so I've never actually been taught about what to do in the event of an explosion. I found an informative page here by the Department of Defense (Australia) and have been pouring over it tonight because it's just so interesting to come across a medical situation that you've really just never thought about before! In other news, I was reading the BBC news today when I came across a program called The London Pathway , which aims to improve healthcare provision to homeless people. After my trip to New Yor...
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Reading the BBC, I am struck by the financial turmoil that appears to be hitting so many people out there - there are questions about Greece leaving the Eurozone and Spanish banks which are billions of euros in debt. It is so different in Australia, as I keep saying - we are isolated from the rest of the western world to the extent that you could likely be forgiven even if you were completely oblivious to the economic problems in other nations. It is unusually peaceful here and I often question my desire to leave because it may not be easy for me to return. I guess the problem is that I am still attracted by the exciting discoveries and inventions that are emerging from many US universities and research institutions. Things that are as 'simple' as the MIT-produced coating which when sprayed on the internal surface of glass bottles allows thick liquids like ketchup to slip over. Or the unusually successful companies like Apple and Facebook. I am attracted to the 'human spiri...
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When I was in first year I remember saying that I was there to make a patient better not be their best friend. It's funny when you look back and see how far you've come.. and indeed, how much you've changed. These days I spend most of my time actually seeing patients and as a final year student have the luxury of taking my time with them, letting them say what they want to say and not rushing them with my check list of things to make a diagnosis. I know it won't be this easy next year - 3 patients a day isn't going to cut it when I have actual responsibilities, but I think for me making the patient feel better, the hand holding, the reassuring... these days that is what makes medicine worthwhile.
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Now dear Christians, some of you pray night and day to be branches of the true Vine; you pray to be made all over in the image of Christ. If so, you must be like him in giving... "though he was rich, yet for our sakes he became poor"... If you would be like Christ, give much, give often, give freely, to the vile and poor, the thankless and the undeserving. Christ is glorious and happy and so will you be. It is not your money I want, but your happiness. Remember his own word, "It is more blessed to give than to receive." B.B.Warfield via John Piper's "Don't Waste Your Life".
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I'm looking for The Ultimate Adventure . I don't know what it will be but I'm looking for it. I left home when I was really young and began this somewhat incredible journey all over the world which has been fun and has also been an adventure but I feel there's something more. An adventure to end all adventures. And maybe it won't be the next one coming.. maybe there'll be a few more trips and sojourns round the bend, but I'm waiting for that one adventure. I'm sure it's there somewhere and I can't wait to see what it is. That and, I've just volunteered for Hillsong Conference 2012! I figured I don't know where I'll be next year and this is something I really must do while I still have the chance to.
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We said our last goodbyes at a church overlooking the beautiful Sydney harbour. His family shared stories about his life - his love for tennis, champagne, travel. They talked about how he'd come in one Sunday afternoon having first conceived the idea for Master Clinician, about his optimism, his Sunday school classes in the backyard. Prof had always been a different kind of surgeon. Surgeons tend to have similar characteristics - they are a highly skilled, driven, impressive lot but with little time for imperfection. But Prof was different. He was really nice. No less impressive, no less dynamic but he was always gentle, calm... different. Contentment. It had never occured to me before that what I was seeing was contentment. I did not really know what contentment looked like but the stories from today tied up the loose ends, explained what it was we all saw in Bryan. Even in his death he has taught me something. What a man. What a life. ~*~ 2 Timothy 1:3 I thank God for yo...
Don't Waste Your Life
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Sometimes I wonder about the choices I've made in life and whether they were smart choices, whether I've made the most of opportunities that have come my way. While I've always tried to "stay true" to my passions I've tended to err on the side of caution, which perhaps is a good thing because at one point I was tempted to leave medicine for a television career (who knows if I would have excelled or failed?). Right now I am in medicine, with interests in cardiology and plastic surgery.. but technically, it may have been easier (?) had I been interested in orthopaedic surgery. After all, I have family who would be more than willing to take me under their wing and train me in the ways of an orthopod. Often times we can only evaluate the wisdom of our choices in retrospect. Ultimately, our days are limited. Even though I am only in my 20s, there is a constant awareness that time is ticking away. If I only had 50 years left would I have done enough? Will I d...
Met Gala 2012
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- Other Apps I almost laughed when I clicked through these pictures - is it actually possible not to look so effortlessly gorgeous when you have so much attention (and not to mention, money) invested in your appearance? Not that I have anything against these people of course - they're entertainers, and to some extent they exist to sell us hopes and dreams and unreachable ideals, but sometimes I wonder - won't anyone who's spent as much time and money on fashion as they have, look glamorous like them too?
Wednesday thoughts
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There was a child at hospital today who had just had enough for one day. He wouldn't let anyone close to him and would howl miserably at the sight of medical implements. As luck would have it I was assigned this child for an assessment and as such spent some minutes trying to figure out how I would worm my way into his affections. After much coaxing and some bribery with bubbles, musical instruments and torch lights I somehow found myself seated beside him listening to his chest while he played away with his newly acquired toys. Today made me think about relationships though. I often wonder about this juxtaposition between my discomfort with people on most social levels and the fact that I am at my happiest when I am doing things to serve the less fortunate. I like patients.. and as it turns out, I like little children. I like people who in a way, are just "being". Who do not strive, either because they have not learnt to, or because they no longer can. Often times dise...
Never settle
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I remember once hearing Joel Houston speak at church and that night he spoke about never wanting to be comfortable. Never wanting to just get married and settle into a regular rhythm. At the time I couldn't quite understand what he meant and thought it was a little strange for someone to have so many ants in his pants (to mangle an English idiom). For whatever reason, his words stuck with me through the years, even though for many years I still didn't get it. Nowadays it makes sense to me. As I approach the start of my working life, it is going to be quite easy to just settle in. Money will no longer be an issue, and my time off work, will be my time off work (for those who don't get this bit - when you're a medical student, any time off = study time). I forsee a hectic internship year, with little time to think about bigger things since we are only allowed 4 weeks off a year (2 of which must be in December). I see a season in which it will simply be easier not to car...