

Welcome to the site. These days, the blog is simply a curation of thoughts that come to me, often in the middle of the night. Things that I feel are worthwhile, answers to questions I have been ruminating on, or sign posts on a journey that I am still walking. Sometimes it is just catharsis, or the scratching of an itch to write. I hope you find it interesting, and if you so please, do leave a note behind. 

To update the list below, I currently reside in Liverpool, UK and have now, prior to this lived in: Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Launceston (Tasmania), Singapore and Malaysia. This life is wild.

***** 2014*****

Thank you for coming to my site. In my mind I am a traveller - perhaps that is what I most want to do in life. In the past 14 years I have lived in Singapore, Malaysia, Sydney, London, Manhattan and Tasmania. I completed my high school and university education in the process and am currently working as a doctor in Australia. I started this website in 2011 to let my family in on a bit of the excitement (I was moving to Manhattan at the time) then decided just to go on with it. I am not sure what life will bring next but am excited to find out. Life is beautiful and God is good!

"This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." 
Psalm 118:24

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