
Was chatting with Jono and Phil two or three weekends ago, and one of them said I should write a list of things I wanted in a future partner.

I think the second part of that was to write down what I thought such a person would in turn want in a partner but that's for another day. Also how would I know what a man wants?! Anyway, this is my list.

1) He must love God deeply and have an intimate relationship with God.
- Why? Because for him to be in the position to lead me and our family, he must himself be led by God.

2) He should be kind, generous and compassionate.

3) He should be intelligent and should engage in conversation. He should be willing to share his thoughts on life, goals, dreams and direction.

4) He should above all be loyal and faithful!

5) He should have a desire to participate in or achieve or work towards a goal that is greater than ourselves.

6) He must love me and want to know me, do life with me and explore everything the world has to offer.

7) He must treat others with kindness and respect (and ideally be someone presentable enough so I can take him out on the rare occasion that I have social obligations).


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