Sermon - Relationship Goals

I spend a lot of my evenings watching YouTube sermons and I'm going to start sharing some here. This one is from Transformation Church.

Here's the summary. Before a relationship, God gave us:

1) Place
- God has placed you where you are for a reason. You are in your particular school, place of work, etc for a purpose.

2) Purpose

3) Provision

4) Identity
- God made us in his image. The enemy's number one tactic for you, is to have you not know who you are. You will never be completely comfortable in the identity of someone who is not you.

5) Perimeters
- If you don't have a standard before you get into relationships, then the relationship will create the standard by which you live by.

I really like this sermon because when you're single it can be easy to think that having a partner in life would somehow make your life more exciting/more complete/more meaningful, but really, the only person who can provide all of that is Jesus Christ.


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