
On the drive home today, I listened to No Other Name by Hillsong's worship band. These days I find that I need to meditate on the lyrics of those songs for courage, strength, refuge and solace. I find that I cannot escape the pressures of my world. I cannot escape the fact that I don't always find my work interesting or that I have to deal with difficult housemates, friends and occassionally relatives. Having to put up with not knowing where I will be in the coming year, or if I would have a job at all, is also tough. I felt tired and somewhat disappointed with what I saw as my struggles.

As I continued to allow the songs to minister to me, I reflected on the song-writers at Hillsong church. Many of them have shared about their personal struggles over the years. Darlene has just gone through radio- and chemotherapy to treat breast cancer. Joel spoke of going through depression. Michael Guglielmucci who wrote "Healer", lied about having cancer to cover up an addiction.

It just goes to show that God uses all people. He uses the wise, the righteous and the influential, but he also uses the broken, the frail and the imperfect ones. It doesn't matter that Healer was born out of shameful circumstances - it remains a powerful song which speaks to millions of worshipers.

Struggles are things that all of us go through. Even if they take different forms, depending on our individual circumstances. Even if life looks great and almost perfect from the outside we all go through stressors of our own.

I think the key is to keep our eyes on the big picture and to remember what really matters in life.

Here are three things I think about what I am feeling anxious.

1) That God sees us in our good times and bad times and that He works for the good of those who love him.

2) That God has already blessed me in so many ways and has allowed me to get this far and as such he will not abandon me now.

3) Even if things don't work out as I want it in this particular circumstance, He has a greater plan for me (that I may not see now)

What stresses you most in life? Will you also offer your burdens to the Lord? Live free!


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