
I have to say that today I am feeling very grumpy and unappreciated. I can't really vent anywhere else because I am reluctant to whinge on facebook (for doing so forces an entire, probably unsympathetic population to listen to you talk about how horrible your life is), and I can't really fully complain to people here given how small the population is and how word spreads. So I am airing my grievances here - hiding behind this veil of relative anonymity that the internet provides. I am being very grumpy indeed. I want to go away for a long time. I want to stop doing anything at all. I want to just vegetate for a year or so. I wish I had the freedom to do so. but there are so many obligations. Bills to pay. Careers to build. Reputations to sustain. I find it ironic that even coming to a small town like this has not changed that fact. Perhaps these things have more to do with the person, than the place. Which means I will forever be grumpy, and under the pump. Which is not a very nice thought at all. Bugger it all.


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