
8AM felt too early an hour to be up today so I slept in and took the day off from my PRINT term. My intern told me yesterday to enjoy the last few days pre-working life so I'm taking her advice on that. Last night was pretty fun. Bev, Mikie and I went for dinner at a Thai place after our hospital session and we stayed there till 9. I like how we're finally getting to spend more time together as a hospital group and I do wish we did this earlier on in the year but I guess we were always so busy with exams, or at least with the guilt of exams.

I've had some pretty good times recently. About a weekend or two ago I headed out to Port Stevens with a group of meddies. We rented out a lovely big house with a deck for barbequeing and two massive tv screens which the boys set up for Halo games. We also went sand dunning and kayaking, which was the best part of the trip. I love being outdoors, with the right people. If I were being honest I'd say that I've never really felt like I had a strong enough support circle here in Sydney for staying to mean much to me but these last few weeks have changed my opinion and I think if this could continue I would love to stay for work. Either way, it's all out of my hands. I've been advised by people 'inside' HETI that the numbers will come close this year, and that I should just hold tight because it was still likely I would eventually get a job in Australia. We'll see.

Was a really windy day.
Sometimes I just feel like throwing the towel in. Actually, for all the love I have for medicine, I've been feeling this way for a few years. I want something more meaningful, a new goal to work towards but I don't know what that will be.

At any rate, I've gotten used to not knowing, and to being ready to pack up and go at a moment's notice. When I was little I thought it would be cool to be a bit of a gypsy. Now I don't think I'm that far off and it's not necessarily as fun as it seemed.


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