Hillsong TV

Today's service was not that great from a TV point of view... I have mixed feelings about being in situations like these. On the one hand, I know that if the task before me is tough and if I am not performing up to expectations then the learning curve must be steep and it's always great to have room to improve. On the other hand, feeling like you're letting the team down or being the weak link is never nice so I'm quite thankful to be operating in an environment that is as supportive as this one is. Today was the last time I am directing till the end of my exams (October). After that I will have more time to look into TV matters and try improve in my stylistic and technical issues. Today just didn't feel right. At one point Tommy (the producer) reminded us to be nice when speaking with the cameras. I think my frustration was probably showing but the camera ops and I have a good working relationship (I hope!) and I always speak with them between services so they know it's not personal and given that I dont think this happens much I think I will let today's non-incident slide. Not the best Sunday! Came home and slept for 5 hours.. and it's not like I didn't sleep enough last night.


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