Jan 24 update

Could I be happier? Wow... New York inspires me. It makes me a better person. I'm happier, healthier & more inspired than ever to keep going, keep pushing the barriers, keep living life larger than before.

Today I went for a long run around Central Park. I'd initially thought it was a bit dangerous to run at night but I found a large running group and we only run on the lighted running road so it's definitely safe.

My route tonight was something like this (4.72 miles according to this computer generated map):

It's started to snow in Manhattan. I bought snow boots and it's not as bad as I thought it would be. The temperature is actually higher than in the days before it started to snow and today's weather was absolutely fabulous. Jose (one of the docs) was joking around that I brought sunshine with me from Australia. Jokes aside, the thought that I could bring sunshine with me was kinda nice.

I'm getting to know Dr F and Jose better and I really like them a lot. I love knowing that every day I go to work they will be there and they're both such lovely people, and smart people... and hard working people.. and inspiring people. They make work so much more interesting for me. I do believe that I would like to stay.. or to return when I eventually have to leave to graduate in Australia.

Coming to New York has, without a doubt been the best decision I have ever made for myself. Thank you Jesus!


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