Sarabeth's & Boathouse

Popped by the Boathouse today for coffee and a read. An 82 year old gentleman took the seat next to me and eventually we struck up a conversation. As it turned out he was friends with one of the attendings I work with. Anyway, he was very nice, bought me a drink - a Savignon Blanc (Kato), told me I'd be a good doctor and said the staff were teasing him because I didn't look old enough to have the drink he was getting me.

Also had breakfast at Sarabeth's today with Priscilla and Christina from Hillsong NYC. It was very crowded and the coffee was good. I've learnt to order lattes in America instead of cappuccinos because baristas here seem to think that cappucinnos mean you fill half the cup with foam..

Anyway, the food was good but to be honest, not quite as good as the Boathouse, which has similar prices. Sarabeth's is very popular though.. the girls loved it and Jose recommended it so I assume it is very good by any standards.. the bread Sarabeth serves on the side was just whole meal loaf bread though.. the kind you can buy from a grocer. It wasn't even warm... but the soup of the day was good and the girls loved their meals so I'm not complaining.


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