
I should update you guys. I received a job offer one week ago. In fact, I received two. One was a two year contract to Tasmania while the other was a one year contract to Perth. I chose the former. It is nice to have work for next year but getting it now has not undone the effects of not having the promise of a job for the past three years. I think it was nasty of the Australian health system, in particular the NSW government for putting us through this, and for leaving it right to the last minute like this and it will take some time for those of us who were affected to recover from the anxiety.

Nonetheless, that's the update! I will be moving to Tasmania soon and it should be fun. At least, I hope it will be a good experience. I am rather sad to be leaving my friends in Sydney but we will all be busy at work anyway so I doubt I would have seen much of them even if I had been able to stay here. Really glad that two of my friends from the hospital I have been in all these years will be heading over to Tassie with me. It will be nice to see some familiar faces around.


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