
Showing posts from September, 2012

Jubilee Project: Dear Daniel

This is a great short film by some young American film makers. They're called the Jubilee Project and they make films for good causes. Watch the film, and if you can do support them by sharing the films or donating to their projects! It's going to a good cause.


Two days to the first paper - yay? Nine days to it all being Over. Better days ahead.

Laduree, Sydney

I found out last night that Laduree opened its first outlet in Sydney two or three days ago. It is news that I am greeting with mixed feelings - on the one hand I am excited to have it here because it was a feature of my time in New York (where it was also fairly new) but on the other I feel like my experience and memories of New York have been violated a bit. I know it is irrational but Laduree was a part of my New York experience and there are some things, like Laduree, and the Met and Central Park, that I just want to keep sacred to that place you know? Or some other far away place, like Paris. Also, Laduree opened its outlet at a Westfield shopping center in the City which is a bit pedestrian. It doesn't have its own shop front - just a pop up stall for now and it makes me sad to think of Laduree as pedestrian. Mm.. there are some things in life that are wonderful and perfect because they are rare. I sure hope Laduree doesn't become all commercialised and 'commonplace...

If We Are The Body - Casting Crowns

This is a great song and I think it addresses a common flaw in many churches today. Mark Hall, a youth pastor and author of If We Are The Body , made this comment about the song. "I wrote it for my youth group while pastoring in Alabama while trying to talk to them about James 2. Little did I know then that I was writing that song for every youth group I've had since. It addresses a problem I've seen in churches all over, that churches are a lot like a circle. Circles are great if you're inside the circle, but most people find themselves outside that circle for whatever reason. There's not a sign on the door, and no one's really saying it to you, but you get the feeling that they've got everybody they need. You're welcome to come, but you're not really ever going to be part of the circle, and that's certainly not what the Bible teaches." It's crowded in a worship today As she slips in trying to fade into the faces ...

Hillsong TV

Today's service was not that great from a TV point of view... I have mixed feelings about being in situations like these. On the one hand, I know that if the task before me is tough and if I am not performing up to expectations then the learning curve must be steep and it's always great to have room to improve. On the other hand, feeling like you're letting the team down or being the weak link is never nice so I'm quite thankful to be operating in an environment that is as supportive as this one is. Today was the last time I am directing till the end of my exams (October). After that I will have more time to look into TV matters and try improve in my stylistic and technical issues. Today just didn't feel right. At one point Tommy (the producer) reminded us to be nice when speaking with the cameras. I think my frustration was probably showing but the camera ops and I have a good working relationship (I hope!) and I always speak with them between services so they know...
Reblogged via Presence filled Life , originally from Letters and Notes .

There is nothing new under the sun

What has been will be again,      what has been done will be done again;     there is nothing new under the sun.                                            Ecclesiastes 1:9 Some people do not believe in the existence a Creator because to believe that would be to accept the existence of a supernatural which our minds cannot comprehend. And yet, when we look at science, we see inventors looking time and time again to our natural surroundings for instructions and ideas on how to build more efficient machines and robots. Our intelligence tells us that the best designs are already out there in nature. It is ironic that we deny the existence of a Creator because we are too proud to admit that there may be supernatural forces out ...
Lord, help me to be humble.

Sustaining Grace

"There is nothing in life that cannot be faced with his grace so freely available. As I continue to trust him, his grace comes to me as waves of the sea... the magnitude of the problem never exceeding his grace and power." My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Learning experience

I had the best time at hospital today. I am currently on the penultimate week before med sch finals, which means we're given a free reign to do what it takes to ace the exams. I've been heading in to the hospital to see patients with my good friend Candice and today we came across a young man with the most vivid skin lesions all over his right and left shins. It was like nothing I'd seen before - I don't get to see many skin lesions because I spend much more time with inpatients than at the outpatient clinics and skin lesions do not generally interest me. But as it turns out there was a back story to this man who also had bowel symptoms and the team is working on the possibility that he has IBD and the skin lesions (which presented many years before the bowel symptoms) are pyoderma gangrenosum, which again, I've read about but I've never actually seen! It's a bit like Rheumatoid Arthritis - as a more junior medical student you'd focus on trying to unders...

Humility through confidence

Today's post comes again from 'The Doctor's Life Support 2' which I encourage you to pick up for yourself. Jesus knew that the Father had put all things under his power, and that he had come from God and was returning to God; so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing and wrapped a towel round his waist... and began to wash his disciples' feet...' John 13: 3-5 After qualifying as a surgeon, my doctor wife and I set up a small medical clinic in a tribal area. Often tribals would come to me, put their foot up on a chair and say, 'Dress it.' After I had dressed their wound they would toss me a rupee coin and then leave. For some reason this would leave me feeling quite humiliated. How did Jesus wash the disciples' feet without feeling humiliated? As medical professionals we find it difficult to serve in ways that are humbling. How can we learn to 'wash feet', that is 'serve' without feeling hurt, but instead serve ...

Jeremy Lin's Testimony

This guy has a great testimony and I enjoyed listening to it so here it is! The first video is from August 2012 after a period known as 'Linsanity'. For those who don't know, Jeremy Lin burst into the public consciousness following a remarkable 7 streak win during the NBA regular season. New York City went wild - I wasn't even a sports fan when it happened but I was in New York and you couldn't be in New York and not be a part of it all.  The last two videos are from the 'pre-Linsanity' period.. I think it was some time in 2011 after he received his first NBA contract from the Golden State Warriers. They are fairly similar.. the post-Linsanity testimony includes a summary of the first and focusses more on what happened during and after his break out game. Happy watching. Jeremy Lin's Testimony (Post-Linsanity) Romans 8:28  And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his pur...

The End of the Beginning

I got to the last page of Talley & O'Connor today. It is a textbook on clinical examination that I think every medical student would have used in the course of their medical education. It was kinda exciting to get there and find this quote printed on the last, blank page. Coz at this point, it's true! No more 2nd year, wondering when it would be over, or 4th year, being so over it and wanting to do something practical for once. I'm finally at the end, and I know it's not going to be all rosy as a doctor (and I may even wish I were back in med school) but it's great finally moving on! Plus, I've neer wished I was back in high school so I doubt I will actually miss med school.