This is a great song and I think it addresses a common flaw in many churches today. Mark Hall, a youth pastor and author of If We Are The Body , made this comment about the song. "I wrote it for my youth group while pastoring in Alabama while trying to talk to them about James 2. Little did I know then that I was writing that song for every youth group I've had since. It addresses a problem I've seen in churches all over, that churches are a lot like a circle. Circles are great if you're inside the circle, but most people find themselves outside that circle for whatever reason. There's not a sign on the door, and no one's really saying it to you, but you get the feeling that they've got everybody they need. You're welcome to come, but you're not really ever going to be part of the circle, and that's certainly not what the Bible teaches." It's crowded in a worship today As she slips in trying to fade into the faces ...