MSF, Doctors without Borders

I have so many things to consider. I got it in my head a few days ago that I'd really like to do some work with Medicins sans Frontiers. Of course I had considered this option a few times before but it had always been just that - another option, another alternative to this medical story. But lately I've been considering it more seriously. The thing about MSF is that because you are volunteering as a doctor you must have some degree of expertise and I don't mean just a medical degree. if I were to go this route through MSF USA I would need to complete 3 years of residency training whereas if I go through MSF Australia I only need to complete 2 (internship and one year residency). Also, if I stay in Australia I'll get to do basic medical training in both medical and surgical fields, whereas in America I will have to choose either medicine or surgery. It's really hard to choose between the two systems. I hope to receive clarity soon - the fact that I am getting older is also playing on my mind though I'm trying to ignore that fact!


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