Observations from Melbourne

If you've been to one city, does it mean that you've been t them all? I am sitting in a Melbourne cafe, in this, my maiden voyage to the artistic heart of Australia - or so I am told. To b honest, Melbourne city does not seem much more artistic than Sydney. Perhaps there are hidden treasures whose value lies in how hard one must try to find them, or how rarely a tourist like myself might happen upon it. I have not arranged for a guide to show me around Melbourne, but when it comes to travelling, I quite like it this way. I like initiating myself into a city - find my own feet and thereby form as independent an impression of the place as I can.

So I'll tell you what I've come to so far - Melbourne people appear friendlier and more relaxed. The girl who made my morning coffee was more than happy to give me direcctions to the main shopping areas in the city. She was unfazed by how dazed I was - that being a product of the 3 hours sleep I had last night, my 10 kg backpack and the chilly winds. I have to say that I am often afraid of having racist attitudes directed at me. Sometimes people are just naturally nasty but as a Chinese Malaysian in the historically 'white' Australia, it is easy to blame every slight on racism. But I am a wuss when it comes to any form of confrontation. A hostile glance my way could send me scurrying with my little mind frantically trying to provide reasons for the unintended assault on my paranoid psyche. But it was been okay so far. A handsome, sharp-nosed, curly headed blonde in a smart overcoat has just walked into the cafe and I am thus a little distracted. I will return with more updates soon.

Part 2

I had my little wander around the city and purchased a 5-day tram pass for $29.40. Given our 5 day stay at St. Kilda that appeared to be the best course of action for me. Transport has been my largest expense in Melbourne thus far but that is not too different from Sydney.

Melbourne city appears to be a pretty good shopping district, with labels such as MNG and Forever 21 which I have not found in Sydney yet. Given that I can now have my annual shopping fix right here I suppose there is less reason to jet to Singapore, as has been the case for the past 4 years.

U decided to head to St. Kilda after lunch to set down my hefty backpack. Thereafter, I will head back to the city for a spot of shopping as I am certain the boys will not be up for it when they arrive later in the evening.

Part 3

When I visit new places I often wonder if I will find happiness there. I always seem to assume that I will be happier elsewhere. That in that new place I will have more Saturdays with friends, more meaningful relationships, more family friends. Having moved around for 4 years though, I am starting to think that moving may not be as much of a solution as staying might be. Perhaps staying allows us to build friendships.


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