
By Victor Kim. Posted here because I need to read this from time to time.

its 5:18 am and ive been in the study lounge all night. i have a final (econ 149: business decisions) in less than 3 hours that i feel less than prepared for. but im happy. happy because i know that it will all be over soon. but not too soon.. i have another one (math 4: math for economists) at 1:30. id be lying if i said i wasnt a bit concerned about this one. the final is cumulative and the most recent material covered is multivariable calculus, and to be honest i havent really started studying for it.

but for some odd reason im not too worried. i know that things will work out somehow.
im obviously not sleeping tonight haha.

my thoughts always seem to wander whenever i have a test or some other obligation that im reluctant to do, so im just going to go with it.

i am so thankful.

thankful for everything. thankful for life, love, passion, and you.

ive come to terms with the fact that life is not perfect. oftentimes we find ourselves resentful, hurt, and disappointed. things dont always turn out the way we hope. you can work so hard for something, and watch your hopes and dreams shatter right before your eyes.

but this should not discourage us.

for me, it all comes down to faith. faith that everything does in fact, happen for a reason. i wrote about this whole concept a while back so i wont bore you with it again, but i am a firm believer that we have the power to discover reason amongst tragedy. that we are blessed with the ability to decipher meaning through our trials and tribulations. yet so many people are oblivious to this gift. its easy to just get angry and upset when things dont go our way.

but why? why do that to yourself. all we are doing is eliminating the opportunity to grow. the chance to evolve.. to be further shaped and molded into the beautiful people that you and i were created to be.

something that ive been thinking about lately, is the concept of time. i came across this amazing quote by albert einstein:

"Time only exists so that everything doesnt happen at once."

take a moment to let that sink in.
profound isnt it?

ive been pondering this whole time thing, because i feel that this quarter has been proof to me that dreams do come true. today i was doing a lot of reflecting (basically putting off studying again) and i was very happy to see that ive achieved a lot of the goals i set for these last few months. there are still many yet to attain, but it is encouraging to know that i have begun the quest.

id really love to expand on this thought, and i feel like i have so much more to say.. but at the moment time is not on my side. i have just over 2 hours before my business final, and i have a long way to go for calc. i apologize for my abrupt conclusion, and i pray that you find it in your heart of hearts to forgive me.

for some reason when i write these really late notes i always sound so proper haha.

but alas, i must part.
i bid you adieu, good friend.

until the next midterm/final/unpropitious obligation...

i hope you have a day half as beautiful as you are.


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