

"You don't want your daughter to be like me." I said to my colleague one day. He peered over and replied "Not like you? You're a successful interventional cardiologist." I am indeed, but it has been difficult to exist in this vortex that is my world. I feel as though I have climbed to the top of a mountain of skulls and bones. The road has left me weary, as if I have been marathoning through dense, humid air. I look behind me, and it seems like the path is littered with broken dreams and brittle relationships. I am unable to get away from criticism and allegations and bullying. Am I the only one to see this? When I look back on the world, it appears to be a battlefield. What do others see? As I lay in my bed, trying to make peace with the confusion of how I could be so right and yet so wrong, the answer dawned upon me. The traits that people demand of me, as a cardiologist - assertiveness, leadership, confidence, logic - are fundamentally masculine. But the


 2022. What a year it has been.  Martin's son got cancer, and thankfully, recovered from it. I moved back to Sydney and started working at RPAH where I had always wanted to work. It wasn't exactly what I thought it would be... but it hasn't been bad at all. I finally attended my convocation, a symbol of attaining the FRACP. I thought I would stay in Sydney, but then I got offered interventional cardiology. Again - finally. The work I had always wanted to do. So in a way 2022, has seen me gain every career goal I have had. The truth is, Martin had a lot to do with all of that. He gained me entry to RPAH and entry into intervention. He means a lot to me and I will remember this.  My personal life remains in flux. I went on so many dates. Of all the years I've had as an adult, this would have been the year to meet someone. I had no on-calls. I finally had some security with my homes and my money. But every connection seems to have fallen through. Federico turns out to be a


 I don’t have a Pinterest board so this will have to do. I love this outdoor space of a typical Queenslander. Large, and well used outdoor space.

When You Speak

Seek Ye First The Kingdom of God. It came up time and time again. In all my prayers, the only answer I received was Seek Ye First... At first I tried to ignore it. It seemed like such a generic response. It didn't really tell me what to do, and it didn't answer my questions. But then eventually it seemed like it would be the only answer I would receive.  Matthew 6:33. But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.  What was God trying to say? I spoke to Caitie, the creative pastor at a church I used to visit. Read Matthew 5,6 and 7 she said.  Matthew 5: The Sermon on the Mount 3 “Blessed are the poor in spirit,  for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. 4 Blessed are those who mourn,  for they will be comforted. 5 Blessed are the meek ,  for they will inherit the earth. a 6 Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness ,  for they will be filled. 7 Blessed are the merciful ,  for they will be shown mercy. 8 Bles

How God Uses Your Confusion | Steven Furtick

 God did not author your confusion but he can certainly use it. And it is only when you've been through the confusion, and been through the wilderness, can you really say, the Lord is my Shepherd.

To Each His Own

I used to feel that I needed people to believe the truth as I saw it. Of late I have started to learn that it is unnecessary. It is not easy, and in fact sometimes impossible to change a man’s mind when he has set his heart on something. That is why we rarely have Democrats who become Republicans and Republicans who become Democrats. There is not always logic to a person’s beliefs, and often times it boils down to blind faith. In the workplace, I frequently tell myself that my job is to present the facts to my patients as I understand it. But if they were to choose to ignore my professional opinion then, as long as they are informed, they are also free to make bad choices (or choices that I simply don’t agree with myself).  It is time that I took that advice when it comes to my friends. It is okay to be friends with someone who does not think the way that you do and has opinions that differ from yours. Perhaps we might need to be careful about the amount of time we spend with these peo

You're the Same God

Prelude Tonight I realised that it was 20 years ago when I had initially left home. I was 14 turning 15, and now I am 34 turning 35. 20 years on and I am about to qualify as a cardiologist in Australia. Wow.  And it isn't just that. I have learnt so many things, and grown in so many ways. As I look back on the years that were, I am grateful, for the good times and the bad. God knew what I needed, and everything that has happened was all a part of my journey.. a journey I had to take, to get here.  Take 1 When I was a girl, life brought me into contact with many rich and powerful people. I could never understand why I, of all people, had been given the opportunity to have a glimpse into that world. I was born into a good but very normal family. We were not rich. I lived in a terrace house that we rented for about RM400 a month for a long time. My playground were the drains, roads and forested regions around me - wherever my bike would take me, that was as far as I could go. My playt