
Showing posts from October, 2013

Getting back on track

Over the past week I have been on a soul searching journey that has brought me back to the interiors of Borneo (where amazingly there is Wifi). It has been a hectic couple of years and for the most part I have been left feeling lost and uncertain about where I was in life and literally, because despite having a great job in medicine I pretty much have to go where the job takes me. I felt this struggle between fighting for my job, for a good position, in a good program, and keeping what I felt were altruistic intentions about medicine. I struggled with that feeling that life had been quite unfair given how disadvantaged I have been as a result of factors beyond my control (ie. the country of my birth). I felt the pressures of having to do well lest I fail to secure a job n the coming year and risk being sent back to the developing world that I have worked so hard to leave. I gave up a lot of time to do research, half the time convincing myself that I really enjoyed it, and that I was ...

The Origins of Interventional Cardiology

I found this article interesting!  From:  I've copied it here in case it gets deleted on the other site one day.  Over the last several years I have become interested in learning where important ideas come from. This interest includes both relatively new ideas, such as ablating sympathetic nerves around the kidney in patients with high blood pressure using a catheter placed in the renal artery, and older ones such as the idea for catheterization itself. Last week I learned about Werner Forssman, who performed the first catheterization of the heart. I would like to share an excerpt from Dr. Forssman’s biography at "In 1929 in a small hospital in Eberswald Germany Werner Forssmann, a young surgical resident, anesthetized his own elbow, inserted a catheter in his antecubital vein and, catheter dangling from his arm, proceeded to a basement x-ray room where he ...