In His image

You don't have to go very far to find something that makes it hard not to believe in a Creator. This is a picture of the base of the human brain. A group of nerves live here (the Cranial Nerves) and they innervate most motor and sensory functions of the head (and in the case of the Vagus 'Wandering' nerve - a lot of the rest of the body). There is nothing random about the brain. There is nothing that could have simply 'evolved' by chance and random mutation. It is easy, even for Christians, to sometimes doubt that a God exists because we cannot see Him, and cannot directly 'prove' He exists using the physical sciences. But as with most things in science, we can infer that He does because if a Creator did not, than we would not. The human body is the most beautiful, marvellous feat of machinery and engineering that I know of (granted, I'm a medical student not an engineer). But we were not put together by human effort, we were simply, born. I cannot ...